Saturday, August 8, 2009


How do i Register my Blog?

It's very simple. You just need to send a e-mail to us at with following information:

  1. Name of the Blog:
  2. Name of the Owner/Creator:
  3. Address of the Blog:
  4. Description of the Blog:
  5. Owner's e-mail Id:
  6. Owner's Date of Birth:
  7. City/Country:
Just send this infprmation about you and your blog on the following mail Id, and your blog will be added in the list of registered Blogs as soon as our Judges inspect your blog.

The Best Blog Contest

This is a contest of Best Blog of 2009. Is your Blog the best? Is your Blog have capability to be the Best and compete with other Blogs? If Yes, then register your Blog on with us in the contest. Hurry up! Last date of Registration will be announced soon.

  © The Best Blog Contest ' 2009

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